雖然目前仍未撤編 但JTWC判定已於05/06Z轉化為副熱帶氣旋,再於05/12Z轉化為溫帶氣旋 SH, 18, 2021020500, , BEST, 0, 250S, 1123E, 35, 996, TS,SH, 18, 2021020506, , BEST, 0, 249S, 1119E, 35, 992, SS,SH, 18, 2021020512, , BEST, 0, 248S, 1123E, 35, 991, EX, |
本帖最後由 老農民版夜神月 於 2021-2-5 05:28 編輯 經歷漫漫長陸,行遍大山大河,方才踏入大海 卻也隨即便將快速南移,移向極為惡劣的環境中,轉化,踏向一生的盡頭 |
本帖最後由 老農民版夜神月 於 2021-2-5 02:26 編輯 JTWC06Z終於給了TS(前一次給出的TS已經在Best中被取消),定強35KT,並預測已達巔峰 SH, 18, 2021020400, , BEST, 0, 243S, 1143E, 30, 993, TD, 0, , 0, 0, 0, 0, 1001, 150, 30, 0, 0, S, 0, , 0, 0, EIGHTEEN, M, |
終於即將出海,目前對流有萎掉的跡象,配合上BoM這幾天的預報 BoM要升格澳式C1並命名看來是不用指望了,就看JTWC會不會如他們所預報的出海後立即升格TS |
本帖最後由 老農民版夜神月 於 2021-2-3 04:00 編輯 從BoM最新的展望上看來要獲名的機率偏低,僅於周四稍微高點,為Low,其餘周三及周五都是Very Low 但同時JTWC依然上望能於周五(05/12Z)達45KT Tropical low (12U) as located over the western Pilbara, about 150 kilometres south southeast of Onslow at 2pm WST Tuesday 2 February and has started to move south southwest in the last 6 hours. It is likely to continue moving south southwest over night before taking a more westward track on Wednesday, remaining over land where it is unlikely to be a tropical cyclone. While it still may move offshore on Thursday or Friday, it is likely to be as a tropical low as it has been over land for longer and moves into a more unfavourable environment. |
由於最新報預測中72H內將不會成旋,BoM對12U(18S)中止發報IDW27600 |