2016年1月10日索米NPP衛星截取萬那杜東南方的強烈熱帶氣旋Ula。 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ula_2016-01-10_0205Z.jpg |
本帖最後由 蜜露 於 2016-1-19 11:41 編輯 W環寬度雖然有合格. 型態也是130kts 但是很不穩.且很短暫. 環狀底層也不是特別佳. 假設和杜鵑放在一塊. Ula 我想125kt.就OK了 可能也比不過2014年的Ian NRL水汽圖登錄向日葵-8衛星之後. 好像水汽就一直就樣? EOSDIS 去年年底也更新了VIIRS的雲圖 但是和NOAA那個網站的比. 感覺EOSDIS的比較亮白. K.Richard傳的是NOAA的. 而這個我傳的是EOSDIS |
再補一張 2016.01.10 VIIRS 捕捉到的 Ula 拍攝的時機 角度都抓的剛剛好... 剛好處在 Ula 的CDO最飽滿與風眼最清晰的時刻 相當美麗動人 |
紐西蘭接手發報。 TROPICAL CYCLONE HURRICANE WARNING 107 This affects ocean area: SUBTROPIC Tropical Cyclone ULA [970hPa] centre was located near 24.9 South 170.4 East at 111200 UTC. Position Fair. Repeat position 24.9S 170.4E at 111200 UTC. Cyclone is moving southsoutheast 14 knots. Expect sustained winds of 85 knots close to the centre with phenomenal sea. Expect winds over 63 knots within 25 nautical miles of centre. Expect winds over 47 knots within 60 nautical miles of centre in the southeast semicircle and within 30 nautical miles of centre in the northwest semicircle with high to very high sea and moderate to heavy swell. Expect winds over 33 knots within 110 nautical miles of centre in the eastern semicircle and within 80 nautical miles of centre in the western semicircle with very rough sea and moderate to heavy swell. Forecast position near 26.9S 171.4E at 120000 UTC and near 28.7S 173.3E at 121200 UTC. This warning cancels and replaces warning 105. |
01.10.0130 UTC 的CDO覺得比較均勻一些 可惜Aqua的影像是被切到的 因此擷取向日葵8號的影像 = = 會爆到C4個人也覺得滿驚喜的 更正 圖片的時間是錯的 應改為 2016 |
當地2016年1月10日萬那杜以東強烈熱帶氣旋Ula https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ula_2016-01-09_2250Z.jpg |