
13P.Debbie 以巔峰強襲昆士蘭 中心登陸逐漸減弱

簽到天數: 588 天


Meow|2017-3-28 14:54 | 顯示全部樓層
Debbie 2017-03-28 0010Z.jpg
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wi ... 017-03-28_0010Z.jpg

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簽到天數: 3291 天


t02436|2017-3-28 14:56 | 顯示全部樓層
Issued at 3:58 pm EST on Tuesday 28 March 2017
Debbie now category 3 as it moves slowly inland.

Areas Affected:
Warning Zone
Townsville to St Lawrence, including Mackay, and the Whitsunday Islands, extending inland to Charters Towers, Mount Coolon, Moranbah, and Pentland.

Watch Zone

Cancelled Zone

Details of Severe Tropical Cyclone Debbie at 4:00 pm AEST:
Intensity: Category 3, sustained winds near the centre of 150 kilometres per hour with wind gusts to 205 kilometres per hour.

Location: within 30 kilometres of 20.4 degrees South 148.4 degrees East, estimated to be 45 kilometres south southeast of Bowen and 15 kilometres west northwest of Proserpine.

Movement: southwest at 12 kilometres per hour.

Severe tropical cyclone Debbie is a category 3 cyclone. The system is forecast to move slowly southwest over the next 12 to 18 hours before curving to a more southerly track over inland Queensland. The cyclone made landfall near Airlie Beach around midday and has started weakening as it moves slowly inland. The system is expected to move further inland this afternoon and evening, and the peak winds near the centre will weaken rapidly. However, heavy rain is expected to continue across the region.

Significant wind gust observations include:

- 262 km/h at Hamilton Island airport at 10:30 am

- 165 km/h at Proserpine Airport 12:57 am

- 148 km/h at Bowen Airport at 2:24 pm

The VERY DESTRUCTIVE CORE of severe tropical cyclone Debbie is impacting the Whitsunday Islands and the nearby mainland. The centre of the system is now over land, north of Proserpine. The wind gusts may still reach 205 km/h near the centre for the next hour.

DESTRUCTIVE WINDS with gusts over 125 km/h are occurring about the coast and islands between about Cape Upstart and Cape Hillsborough (north of Mackay), including Bowen and Proserpine, and may extend further west along the coast to Ayr during this afternoon. These DESTRUCTIVE WINDS may extend to adjacent inland areas, including Collinsville, and Mount Coolon later today into this evening. Destructive winds are no longer expected in Townsville, Charters Towers, Mackay or Sarina.

GALES are occurring about the coast and islands between about Cape Bowling Green and St Lawrence. These GALES are expected to extend westwards to Townsville and inland to locations such as Charters Towers, Pentland, Mount Coolon, and Moranbah this afternoon and evening.

Abnormally high tides are expected between Bowen and St Lawrence. Large waves may produce minor flooding along the foreshore. People living in areas likely to be affected by this flooding should take measures to protect their property as much as possible and be prepared to help their neighbours.

Areas of heavy rain with the potential to cause severe flash flooding have developed around the Central Coast and Whitsundays district. These heavy rain areas are expected to spread further inland through central and southeastern Queensland. Widespread daily rainfall totals of 150 to 250 mm are expected, with significantly higher totals possible locally. This is likely to lead to major river flooding over a broad area this week, and a Flood Watch for coastal catchments between Ayr and the NSW border, extending inland to parts of the Central Highlands and Coalfields, Central West, Maranoa and Warrego, and Darling Downs and Granite Belt forecast districts.

Recommended Action:
- People in the path of the very dangerous cyclone should stay calm and remain in a secure shelter - above the expected water level - while the very destructive winds continue.

- Do not venture outside if you find yourself in the eye of the cyclone - very destructive winds from a different direction could resume at any time.

- Follow the evacuation advice or directions of Police, Emergency Services personnel and local authorities.

People elsewhere along the coast between Ayr and Townsville and inland areas, including Collinsville, Charters Towers, Pentland and Moranbah, should complete preparations quickly and be prepared to shelter in a safe place.

- Boats and outside property should be secured.

- For cyclone preparedness and safety advice, visit Queensland's Disaster Management Services website (www.disaster.qld.gov.au)

- For emergency assistance call the Queensland State Emergency Service on 132 500 (for assistance with storm damage, rising flood water, fallen trees on buildings or roof damage).

Next Advice:
The next advice will be issued by 5:00 pm AEST Tuesday 28 March.
This warning is also available through TV and Radio Broadcasts; the Bureau's website at www.bom.gov.au or call 1300 659 212. The Bureau and the State Emergency Service would appreciate this warning being broadcast regularly.





減弱的很快,已經只剩下45kts強度了  發表於 2017-3-28 20:53

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簽到天數: 588 天


Meow|2017-3-28 22:24 | 顯示全部樓層

The cyclone crossed the coast with an intensisty estimated at 105 knots.

Severe tropical cyclone Debbie crossed the coast early this afternoon near
Airlie Beach on the Queensland coast, with the centre of the eye crossing the
mainland at about 12:40pm AEST. Preliminary landfall intensity was estimated at
105 knots based on Dvorak analysis and earlier gusts up to 262 km/h at Hamilton
Island. The SATCON estimate near landfall time was 98 knots.

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簽到天數: 4757 天


s6815711|2017-3-30 18:48 | 顯示全部樓層


撐到出海就有機會再次發展了  發表於 2017-3-30 20:16

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簽到天數: 582 天


蜜露|2017-4-4 01:04 | 顯示全部樓層

澳洲有更新昆士蘭的風雨 . 影片中可看出風雨是非常強勁的 .

Debbie有些類似梅姬 . 登陸前不斷的增強 . 增強狀態中登陸 .


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簽到天數: 4177 天


alu|2017-4-6 19:01 | 顯示全部樓層
熱帶氣旋餘威重創紐西蘭中廣新聞網 – 2017年4月6日 上午11:55熱帶氣旋「黛比」在猛烈侵襲澳洲後,夾帶強風豪雨繼續肆虐紐西蘭,導致各地出現嚴重水災。



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