簽到天數: 971 天 [LV.10]以壇為家III
在颱風吧看到這個 轉來這裡跟大家分享
注:所有資料来自Final Report,且僅擷取部分內容
Aircraft reconnaissance project by KMA is in progress. The aircraft (model:King Air 350 H/W) will be equipped with several instruments for the purpose of observing severe weather like typhoon. KMA will start the target observation from 2016 and the collected data could be used for operational and research purpose.
KMA將於2016年開始利用飛機觀測一些激烈天氣包含颱風,機型是King Air 350。
(翻譯基本上也是轉的 有錯誤請指正呦)
The Committee was informed that RSMC Tokyo developed objective tropical cyclone satellite analysis using MTSAT called “Cloud grid information objective Dvorak analysis (CLOUD)” and introduced it into operation on 21 January 2014.
RSMC Tokyo (JMA)改良版的德沃夏克分析法(Dvorak)—''Cloud''自2014年1月21日起進行實際應用。
The Committee was informed that RSMC Tokyo started tropical cyclone satellite re-analysis in 2012 for the period from 1981 to confirm and improve the qualityof the Current Intensity (CI) number in the satellite TC analysis. Re-analysis over the period from 1987 to 1996 is being implemented to be completed by the end of 2014.
RSMC Tokyo(JMA)將對1981年-2012年間的熱帶氣旋進行再分析,預估今年將完成1987-1996的分析
The Committee was informed that JMA plans to launch Himawari-8 which will start its operation in 2015 replacing MTSAT-2. Himawari-9 will also be launched in 2016. Both satellites will be located at around 140 degrees east, and will continue to observe the East Asia and Western Pacific regions for a period of 15 years. Himawari-8/9 will provide true-color images by utilizing visible channels, and observation frequency will be enhanced with full-disk imagery obtained every 10 minutes. In addition rapidscanning will be conducted in several regions, one of which will be a targeted observation of tropical cyclones. All imagery from Himawari-8/9 will be distributed via the Internet. For Members with limited Internet access, JMA will also disseminate primary imagery data necessary for meteorological operational services via a telecommunication satellite, now tentatively scheduled in 2015, in parallel with the direct dissemination of imagery from MTSAT-2 via MTSAT-1R.
The performance of the South China Sea Typhoon Model (TRAMS) has been improving in 2013. For example, the genesis of UTOR is predicted 30 hours before named, and the 24h, 48h and 72h track forecast error are 43km, 67km and 135km.
The web-based typhoon forum could be very useful in terms of providing a convenient platform for both forecasters and researchers with more registered users from the Members.
以下翻譯 By 鬆々
自從2012年,KMA已經開始執行以觀測劇烈天氣為目的空中觀測,降雨增強實驗,與描述大氣氣候變遷組成因素。 2013年5月,KMA簽下了契約得到了第一架探測機,聯合Daejoo ENT(Korea)與SPEC(US)。根據契約內容,這架飛機(BeechCraft King Air 350 H/W)已在大氣研究領域被廣泛使用,將在2015年年底被送到韓國。KMA的探測機將在雙翼、機身與機內安裝14種觀測儀器,包含dropsonde system(投落送)、Glaciogenic、hygroscopic cloud seeding system、四種雲物理性質觀測系統與汙染性氣體監測系統。主要目的為監測劇烈天氣,此探測機將飛進韓國近海上空,並在即將侵襲韓國的熱帶氣旋周圍進行觀測。
某鬆 言:
翻譯有的是轉颱風吧的 有的是google+颱風吧的翻譯再更改一下的然後野也只翻譯部分 沒全翻譯哦~